Restorative Practices Task Force Mandate:
In the urgent pursuit of shalom’s compelling vision for the covenant community, the RPTF will be entrusted with the following tasks:
1. to inform and educate the pastors, churches and ministries of classis about the principles and processes of restorative practices
2. to train members in the principles and processes of restorative practices with the aim to assist or become restorative facilitators to assist churches and ministries of classis in conducting restorative dialogues
3. to implement throughout Classis BCSE and BCNW the principles and processes of restorative practices
4. to encourage the active participation of pastors, churches and ministries in restorative practices efforts to restore broken relationships in our churches
5. to provide trained restorative practices facilitators to assist pastors, churches and ministries in restorative dialogues
6. to keep before the churches Shalom’s compelling vision for the covenant community by providing theological reflection for the task force’s work in its reports to classis
7. When the RPTF is called upon to intervene in cases of harm or conflict, the intervention will be attended to by two trained individuals, one of whom will be a member of the RPTF, without exception.
The membership of the RPTF is five to seven persons, all of whom are trained in the use of restorative practices. Two or three will be Ministers of the Word. Members are appointed by classis for a 3-year term, with the possibility of being reappointed for one additional term.
The budget request for the RPTF is for $4,500 for the first year. Subsequent budget requests are made according to Classis BCSE and BCNW Approved Rules and Procedures.
The RPTF is accountable to Classis BCSE and BCNW and will report routinely (March and Oct) to Classis BCSE and BCNW. The RPTF will meet a minimum of four times a year.