Wout is a Minister Emeritus of the Christian Reformed Church. In his capacity as consultant for Pastor-Church Relations for Classis Alberta North (2009-2014), Wout has a DMin degree in pastoral leadership in the cultivation of healthy congregations. Wout received training and experience in the use of restorative practices. He has been part of the RPTF since its inception in 2015.
Liz has been with the Restorative Practices Task Force since its beginning in 2015 and recently completed a Master of Science in Restorative Practices through the IIRP (US). She is passionate about helping churches build more connected congregations that reflect God’s love and grace. Liz’s experience in restorative practice includes settings such as children’s ministry, church leadership, pastoral care, and family situations. Liz Tolkamp (MA) is Commissioned Pastor Emeritus in the CRC and currently serves as the Regional Connector (Canada West) for Thrive (CRCNA).
Anthony works as a Youth Outreach Worker for Archway Community Services. He has a passion to restore the lives of the young people he works alongside and believes that Restorative Practices can help create more authentic relationships. Anthony attends New Life CRC in Abbotsford.
Martin works as a Christian Reformed Pastor and is a trained Specialized Transitional Minister. He is a Leader Brekthru Coach, Crossroads Discernment Coach, and has training in mediation, family systems, conflict coaching/transformation as well as restorative practices. Martin's deep calling is to come alongside individuals, groups/teams, and faith communities as they navigate being the people of God's grace through a variety of challenges.
BC Safe Church
Faye is the Abuse Prevention and Response Coordinator of Britiish Columbia for BC CR Churches. Faye has a passion to educate and cultivate safe communities. She helps to promote Restorative Practices alongside her work to reduce abuse in church communities. Faye is a member of New Life CRC, Abbotsford.
Curtis has been a parish minister for nearly 30 years, serving three churches in Alberta and BC. He has helped several congregations move the difficult times of a separation of the church and the pastor. He believes that it is possible for groups to encounter disagreement and use the occasion for growth; restorative practices can help the growth. He joined the team in 2023.